José Montealegre | Colibrí
Convent presents ‘Colibrí’, the first solo exhibition by José Montealegre in Belgium. In his small-scale sculptural work Montealegre creates fictional worlds inspired by his interest in subjects such as archaeology, postcolonial theory, philosophy and science fiction. Especially for this exhibition the artist made a new group of sculptures that will be presented as a large-scale installation.
José Montealegre, born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, lives and works in Frankfurt am Main, where he will soon graduate from the Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Städelschule.
Many thanks to the artist, Gavra, Woningbouw Merckaert & Pauline Scharmann.
Supported by Stad Gent & Duvel Moortgat.
Convent presenteert ‘Colibrí’, de eerste solotentoonstelling van José Montealegre in België. In zijn kleinschalig sculpturaal werk creëert Montealegre fictieve werelden, geïnspireerd door zijn interesse in onder andere archeologie, postkolonialisme, filosofie en sciencefiction. Speciaal voor deze tentoonstelling maakte de kunstenaar een nieuwe groep sculpturen die hij als een totaalinstallatie zal presenteren.
José Montealegre, geboren in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, woont en werkt in Frankfurt am Main, waar hij binnenkort afstudeert aan de Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Städelschule.
Veel dank aan de kunstenaar, Gavra, Woningbouw Merckaert & Pauline Scharmann.
Met de steun van Stad Gent & Duvel Moortgat.

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

José Montealegre, M. Reus (Palo de máscaras), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas, ceramic masks

José Montealegre, M. Reus (Palo de máscaras), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas, ceramic masks

José Montealegre, M. Reus (Palo de máscaras), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas, ceramic masks

José Montealegre, M. Reus (Palo de máscaras), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas, ceramic masks

José Montealegre, E. Pisotasea (Cola de perro), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas

José Montealegre, E. Pisotasea (Cola de perro), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas

José Montealegre, E. Pisotasea (Cola de perro), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas

José Montealegre, E. Pisotasea (Cola de perro), 2019 Metal, air-dry clay, laser-cut canvas

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

José Montealegre, Lost City, 2019 Digital print on matte paper, digital print on found book page, paper clip, staples, artist made frame

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019 Digital print on found book page, artist made frame

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

José Montealegre, Nuevo Mundo, 2019 Silkscreen print on found book page, artist made frame

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019 Digital print on found book page, artist made frame

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

José Montealegre, Colibrí, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

José Montealegre, Broken Tower with Vaulted Ceiling, 2018 Ceramic tiles, cement, air-dry clay, metallic wire

José Montealegre, Broken Tower with Vaulted Ceiling, 2018 Ceramic tiles, cement, air-dry clay, metallic wire