
Martin Boyce | Just Beyond the Undertow

01.1101.03 2020

We are very honoured to present ‘Just Beyond the Undertow’, the first solo exhibition by the renowned Scottish artist Martin Boyce in Belgium. Inspired by the specific architecture of the space, the exhibition focuses on a selection of sculptures and installations from 2003-2018, combined with newly produced works. 

Martin Boyce (°1967, Hamilton) lives and works in Glasgow. He studied at the Glasgow School of Art and the California Institute for the Arts (CalArts) in Los Angeles in the 1990s. In 2009 he represented Scotland on the 53rd Biennial of Venice with a solo presentation at Palazzo Pisani. In 2011 Boyce received the prestigious Turner Prize.

Many thanks to the artist, Scarlett Williams (Studio Martin Boyce), Esther Schipper (Berlin), The Modern Institute (Glasgow), Tom Berden (TB Engineering), Woningbouw Merckaert (Geraardsbergen) & Pauline Scharmann.
Supported by Mobull, Stad Gent & Duvel Moortgat.


Convent presenteert ‘Just Beyond the Undertow’, de eerste solotentoonstelling van de gerenommeerde Schotse kunstenaar Martin Boyce in België. Geïnspireerd op de specifieke architectuur van de ruimte, focust de tentoonstelling op een selectie sculpturen en installaties uit 2003-2018, in combinatie met enkele nieuwe werken. 

Martin Boyce (°1967, Hamilton) woont en werkt in Glasgow. Hij studeerde aan the Glasgow School of Art en the California Institute for the Arts (CalArts) in Los Angeles in de jaren 1990. In 2009 vertegenwoordigde hij Schotland op de 53ste Biennale van Venetië met een solopresentatie in Palazzo Pisani en in 2011 ontving hij de prestigieuze Turner Prize.

Veel dank aan de kunstenaar, Scarlett Williams (Studio Martin Boyce), Esther Schipper (Berlin), The Modern Institute (Glasgow), Tom Berden (TB Engineering), Woningbouw Merckaert (Geraardsbergen) & Pauline Scharmann.
Met de steun van Mobull, Stad Gent & Duvel Moortgat.

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Daybed Frame (you wake up somewhere outside), 2003, steel, cushion

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, exhibition view, CONVENT, Ghent

Martin Boyce, Just Beyond the Undertow, 2019, steel

Martin Boyce, Alone On The Water, 2018, painted wood, painted and stained steel, brass chain, brass, dyed fringing

Martin Boyce, Before The Leaves, 2016, blackened galvanised steel, blackened nickel plated steel, painted steel, chain

Martin Boyce, Untitled, 2016, blackened galvanised steel, blackened nickel, plated steel, painted steel, chain

Martin Boyce, Dead Star (Sorrow), 2016, painted steel, blackened steel, cast and painted bronze, cast bronze