Palimpsest | Joachim Bandau, Pavel Büchler, Oscar Hugal, Ciprian Mureşan
For the opening exhibition, the newly founded Ghent-based art space Convent will present a project consisting of three consecutive parts, where several artworks will be confronted with the permanent installation 'Bucharest City Model (fragment)' by the Romanian artist Ciprian Mureşan (°1977, Dej).
In the first part, titled 'Palimpsest', Mureşan’s installation will be shown with works by Joachim Bandau (°1936, Cologne), Pavel Büchler (°1952, Prague) and Oscar Hugal (°1986, Wilrijk).
Many thanks to the artists, Galeria Plan B (Cluj/Berlin), Galerie Thomas Fischer (Berlin), Super Dakota (Brussels), Tommy Simoens (Antwerp) & Cluj Makers (Cluj).
Supported by Stad Gent & Duvel Moortgat.
Als openingstentoonstelling presenteert de nieuwe Gentse kunstruimte Convent een project bestaande uit drie opeenvolgende delen, waarin telkens andere werken geconfronteerd worden met de installatie 'Bucharest City Model (fragment)' van de Roemeense kunstenaar Ciprian Mureşan (°1977, Dej).
Zo wordt de installatie in het eerste deel, getiteld 'Palimpsest', getoond met werken van Joachim Bandau (°1936, Keulen), Pavel Büchler (°1952, Praag) en Oscar Hugal (°1986, Wilrijk).
Met dank aan de kunstenaars, Galeria Plan B (Cluj/Berlijn), Galerie Thomas Fischer (Berlijn), Super Dakota (Brussel), Tommy Simoens (Antwerpen) & Cluj Makers (Cluj).
Met de steun van Stad Gent & Duvel Moortgat.

#1.1 Palimpsest, exhibition view, 2016

‘Cannon’, 2014
Billiard ball, postcard, 10 x 14 x 5 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Tommy Simoens, Antwerp

Pavel Büchler, ‘Modern Paintings No. 2 (Still life with fruit and wine, “H McRobbie”, Barras Market, Glasgow, January 1997)’, s.d.
Reclaimed paint on canvas, 21.5 x 31 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Tommy Simoens, Antwerp

Exhibition view, 2016
Oscar Hugal, ‘Sculpture No 3’, 2012 COR-TEN steel, 157.2 L
Courtesy of the artistJoachim Bandau, ‘o.T.’, 1980
Watercolor on paper, 48 x 36 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels

Oscar Hugal, ‘As Is’, 2016
Coins on map, 24 x 24 cm
Courtesy of the artist

Ciprian Mureşan, ‘Bucharest City Model (fragment)’, 2015
1:330, cardboard, variable dimensions
Courtesy of the artist and Galeria Plan B, Cluj/Berlin

#1.1 Palimpsest, exhibition view, 2016

Joachim Bandau, ‘Black watercolor’
2010 Watercolor on paper, 87 x 117 cm

Joachim Bandau, ‘o.T.’, 2003
Watercolor on paper, 87 x 117 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels

Joachim Bandau,
‘o.T. 31.1. 1977’, 1977 Photo and drawing
Pencil, color pencil, tea, 73 x 51 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels‘o.T. 2.7.1977’, 1977 Overpainted photo and drawing
Pencil, covering white, tea, 73 x 51 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels

‘o.T. 2.7.1977’, 1977 Overpainted photo and drawing
Pencil, covering white, tea, 73 x 51 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Super Dakota, Brussels

Pavel Büchler, ‘Modern Paintings No. 2 (Still life with fruit and wine, “H McRobbie”, Barras Market, Glasgow, January 1997)’, s.d.
Reclaimed paint on canvas, 21.5 x 31 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Tommy Simoens, Antwerp‘Cannon’, 2014
Billiard ball, postcard, 10 x 14 x 5 cm
Courtesy of the artist and Tommy Simoens, Antwerp